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Console commands

The console application uses the symfony console component to leverage CLI functionality. All commands are bootstrapped by the bin/console script.

There are 2 console commands added by default:

> app:amqp:consume  Start consuming a given AMQP queue
> app:cache:clear Clear all caches

You can run them by executing

docker-compose run --rm php-cli bin/console app:cache:clear
docker-compose run --rm php-cli bin/console app:amqp:consume [NAME-OF-QUEUE]

Creating a new command

To add a new console command, create a new class in src/Console and add the AsCommand attribute to it:

#[AsCommand(name: 'app:user:create')]
class CreateUserConsoleCommand extends Command
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
// ...
return Command::SUCCESS;

Configuring the command

You can optionally define a description, help message and the input options and arguments by overriding the configure() method:

#[AsCommand(name: 'app:user:create')]
class CreateUserConsoleCommand extends Command
// The command description shown when running "bin/console list"
protected static $defaultDescription = 'Creates a new user.';

protected function configure(): void
// The command help shown when running the command with the "--help" option
->setHelp('This command allows you to create a user...')

Running the command

You can now run the new command by executing

docker-compose run --rm php-cli bin/console app:user:create

The full documentation for the Symfony console component is available on