📄️ Environment files
There are three .env files included. They all have the same parameters but their values can differ.
📄️ Settings
The ./config/settings.php file contains all configuration needed to properly run the application.
📄️ Container
./config/container.php contains the DI container. Most times your classes will be auto-wired,
📄️ Routes
./config/routes.php is the file where you can register routes. The Slim documentation contains
📄️ Auto wires
PHP-DI will take all the definitions it can find and compile them. That means that definitions like
📄️ Compiler passes
Compiler passes give you an opportunity to manipulate other service definitions that have been registered
📄️ Middleware
Slim Framework uses middleware to run code before and after your Slim application to manipulate
📄️ Cli config
./config/cli-config.php is required for Doctrine migrations