The ./config/settings.php
file contains all configuration needed to properly run the application.
The values that are start with $_ENV
are fetched from the .env
file mentioned in environment.
return [
'slim' => [
// Returns a detailed page with error details and
// a stack trace. Should be disabled in production.
'displayErrorDetails' => $_ENV['DISPLAY_ERROR_DETAILS'],
// Whether to display errors on the internal PHP log or not.
'logErrors' => $_ENV['LOG_ERRORS'],
// If true, display full errors with message and stack trace on the PHP log.
// If false, display only "Slim Application Error" on the PHP log.
// Doesn't do anything when 'logErrors' is false.
'logErrorDetails' => $_ENV['LOG_ERROR_DETAILS'],
// Path where Slim will cache the container, compiler passes, ...
'cache_dir' => Settings::getAppRoot().'/var/cache/slim',
'amqp' => [
// RabbitMQ connection params.
'rabbitmq' => [
'host' => $_ENV['RABBITMQ_HOST'],
'port' => $_ENV['RABBITMQ_PORT'],
'username' => $_ENV['RABBITMQ_USER'],
'password' => $_ENV['RABBITMQ_PASS'],
'vhost' => $_ENV['RABBITMQ_VHOST'],
'doctrine' => [
// Enables or disables Doctrine metadata caching
// for either performance or convenience during development.
'dev_mode' => Environment::PRODUCTION !== Environment::from($_ENV['ENVIRONMENT']),
// Path where Doctrine will cache the processed metadata
// when 'dev_mode' is false.
'cache_dir' => Settings::getAppRoot().'/var/cache/doctrine',
// List of paths where Doctrine will search for metadata.
// Metadata can be either YML/XML files or PHP classes annotated
// with comments or PHP8 attributes.
'metadata_dirs' => [Settings::getAppRoot().'/src/Domain'],
// The parameters Doctrine needs to connect to your database.
// These parameters depend on the driver (for instance the 'pdo_sqlite' driver
// needs a 'path' parameter and doesn't use most of the ones shown in this example).
// Refer to the Doctrine documentation to see the full list
// of valid parameters:
'connection' => [
'driver' => $_ENV['DATABASE_DRIVER'],
'host' => $_ENV['DATABASE_HOST'],
'port' => $_ENV['DATABASE_PORT'],
'dbname' => $_ENV['DATABASE_NAME'],
'user' => $_ENV['DATABASE_USER'],
'password' => $_ENV['DATABASE_PASSWORD'],
// The paramaters to manage Doctrine migrations.
'migrations' => [
'table_storage' => [
'table_name' => 'doctrine_migration_versions',
'version_column_name' => 'version',
'version_column_length' => 1024,
'executed_at_column_name' => 'executed_at',
'execution_time_column_name' => 'execution_time',
'migrations_paths' => [
'App\Migrations' => Settings::getAppRoot().'/migrations',
'all_or_nothing' => true,
'transactional' => true,
'check_database_platform' => true,
'organize_migrations' => 'none',
'connection' => null,
'em' => null,